The Ultimate Guide To Understanding Everything
You Need To Know About
Protein Intake
For Building Muscle


This guide was actually devised speaking to a client on the gym floor, who said; “Dan, we need a dumbasses guide to protein intake because I have no idea what I’m doing with it.”
I’m fairly sure he was sick of me nagging on and on about protein intake and we created this idea of a manual that breaks down everything we need to know about the good stuff.
So there was created the official “dumbasses guide to protein intake.”
This protein guide will be looking at protein intake through the lens of muscle building. How we can increase lean muscle mass through both resistance training and dietary protein intake.

I hope you enjoy this guide, many a coffee and sleepless night was spent putting it together and I hope it can be used as a practical guide in getting you closer to the goals you have!

Enjoy you legend!